Wednesday, May 25, 2011


"Understanding requires an openness to experience, a willingness to engage in a dialogue with that which challenges our self-understanding. To be in a dialogue requires that we listen to the Other and simultaneously risk confusion and uncertainty both about ourselves and about the other person we seek to understand."

--Thomas A. Schwandt

photo by HLS

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Encouragement - pass it on!

I've had the good fortune in the last week to have a few friends/colleagues who have complimented me on something that could be taken for granted. Their words felt good and gave me a boost.

I think that being on the giving end of a compliment may feel just as good as receiving. When we compliment someone else and see them get a lift, we get a boost too!

This week, watch for the little un-noticed, but important things that others do, surprise someone with a compliment and you'll both feel a little better.

Cheering you on!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Writing tip -- Since vs. Because

Here is another good writing tip from the APA Blog:

Cheering you on in your work,

Photo by HLS

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Recognize the intensity and importance of what you are doing

This is another post in response to Audrey who asked for advice for students who still have several weeks of classes remaining (or I would add, are working through the entire summer). I think that when we have been working at something for an extended period of time, we can lose sight of just how much we have already accomplished and even the significance of the endeavor.

As you work to maintain your motivation, reflect on all that you have accomplished. Whether you have just finished the first class of a master's program or the third year of a doctoral program, you have achieved, you are progressing through a graduate program and this is no easy task. Moreover, going to school as an adult, balancing school with family and work, is a significant commitment and one worth recognition.

Your pursuit of education is important and intense, and you are doing it! Bravo!

Cheering you on in your work!

Photo by HLS

Saturday, May 7, 2011

In it for the long haul... working when you don't have a summer break

Audrey, a reader of this blog, commented on my last post, asking what about those of us who still have several weeks of classes and don't have summer break coming? I imagine she was asking about how to stay motivated and maintain your momentum?

I'll suggest a few strategies over the next few posts. The first suggestion (which I've made in this blog before, is one of my favorites):

Divide large tasks into smaller tasks and post them to then acknowledge your progress. If you have a list of assignments for your class, post it on your desk. If you are writing your thesis or dissertation or even just a long paper, write a to-do list section-by-section. Dividing large tasks into smaller ones has two benefits. First, this strategy can help keep you from getting overwhelmed. Secondly, by crossing things off your list (and keeping the list posted!) you will see your progress and this provides reinforcement.

More soon! Cheering you on in your work!

Photo by HLS

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The Encouragement Lounge by Harriet L. Schwartz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.