Monday, March 7, 2011

How's your confidence?

This is a good time to do a mid-semester confidence check.

1. Are you confident in your ability to finish your current course(s) and program? If not, what has you concerned? And who is a good person to talk with about this -- your advisor perhaps? I encourage you to set an appointment and have a conversation, your worry and lack of confidence can slow you down and give you stress -- try to work on this with someone.

2. Are you confident when you participate in class? If not, again, I encourage you to explore this with your advisor, another trusted teacher, or even a trusted classmate.

3. Are you confident that your program is helping you head in a desired direction career-wise (if that is why you entered the program)? If not, again, I encourage you to meet with your advisor, or other trusted faculty member, or someone in your career center.

Other thoughts, questions about confidence? I'd love to hear from you!

Cheering you on,

photo by HLS

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