Thursday, March 18, 2010

What do you love about learning?

I spend a lot of time on this blog addressing the challenges that we face... not enough time, too much stress, writing difficulties, and so on.

So, tonight, I ask the question -- what do you love about learning?

To get the conversation going, here are a few things that I love about learning:

1. Feeling challenged intellectually.
2. Working with ideas creatively.
3. Finding theory and research that expands my understanding of the topics that most engage me (relational practice, mentoring, positive psychology, etc.).
4. Receiving feedback on my writing, and then anticipating that I can become a stronger writer.
5. The energy of working one-on-one with an inspirational professor or student.

What do you love about learning? Please respond via "comments" below!

All the best,


  1. Great ideas Harriet! I like the feeling of experiencing change in myself.

  2. 1) seeing how things fit together

    2) gaining a better understanding of things

    3) the way it makes me feel (when it isn't driving me crazy, that is!)


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The Encouragement Lounge by Harriet L. Schwartz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.